have aches and pains 意味

  • 体のあちこちが痛い


        aches and pains:    うずきと痛み
        pains and aches:    体のあちこちの痛み
        muscular aches and pains:    筋肉痛{きんにくつう}
        different from everyday aches and pains:    《be ~》日常{にちじょう}の筋肉{きんにく}と節々{ふしぶし}の痛みとは異なる
        have back pains:    背中{せなか}が痛む
        have growing pains:    苦労{くろう}しながら成長{せいちょう}している
        have sharp pains:    差し込みがくる
        at pains:    苦心[苦労?四苦八苦]して、苦しんで、苦しい立場で
        at pains to:    《be ~》~しようと骨折る{ほねおる}、~しようと苦心[苦労?四苦八苦]する He was at pains to set up an appointment with the famous artist. 彼はその著名なアーティストと約束を取り決めようと骨を折っていた。
        pains:    pains 一苦労 ひとくろう 丹精 丹誠 たんせい 煩労 はんろう
        body aches:    体の痛み
        develop body aches:    体の痛みが強まる
        tooth aches terribly:    《one's ~》歯がひどく痛む
        heart aches to see someone again:    《one's ~》(人)にもう一度{いちど}会いたくてたまらない[会いたい気持ちが胸を締め付ける]
        abdominal pains:    腹痛{ふくつう}


  1. "have access to the same information" 意味
  2. "have access to the source code of" 意味
  3. "have access to us embassy secrets" 意味
  4. "have accessibility to the information" 意味
  5. "have accident that one could not foresee" 意味
  6. "have achieved such a level of fitness after such a serious illness" 意味
  7. "have aching muscles" 意味
  8. "have acnes during puberty" 意味
  9. "have acnes on one's face" 意味
  10. "have accessibility to the information" 意味
  11. "have accident that one could not foresee" 意味
  12. "have achieved such a level of fitness after such a serious illness" 意味
  13. "have aching muscles" 意味

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